this and that...

Hello! Do you like my new logo? I've been wanting to update it for a while and will probably continue to fiddle & play around - but I am happy with the new look. Trying to think of how to incorporate a 'dove' - but it turns out I'm a bit crap at drawing birds, so will have to practice a little more first. :)

Just a few pictures to share from this week, it has been half term for us so we've ventured out and tried to do a few little creative projects at home. It's been nice to have some time off with the girls just pottering and letting them play... with a few treats along the way!

(A new cowl for a friend... i can custom make in case you're interested?)

(oh my, would you look at that cheeky face!)


(How cute is Jemimah taking a pictures of her homemade cookies?) :)

We've got some sunshine today - hooray! and awaiting the arrival of one of my sisters and her family. It's gonna be a fun few days... x