Currently making...

So I've been running a crochet workshop from my home every friday morning and this is what it looks like. 
While I serve up the coffee, the ladies (so far no men...) pile in with their little ones and find a seat. After a bit of a chat and quick catch up, we get started with our various projects. I'll work my way round the table teaching or helping out where I can. Most of them have never crocheted before but after just a couple of sessions here they seem to have got the hang of it - with some great results (headbands, scarfs, hats, cushions, blankets etc).

It's just £5 for the morning (those with little ones there's plenty of toys, biscuits & playmates to keep them occupied & happy)... so if you're in the area, get in touch and you'd be more than welcome to come along.

As usual I have a number of projects on the go myself... here they are in various unfinished states.

Pompom garland.

Scarf no.1

Scarf no.2

Blanket. (For sale)

Left over wool scarf! :)

More wristwarmers ... them

Love mine.

And here's another happy customer... :)