*2013 Fine Art Calendar*

Things have been a quiet on the blog lately, I've been a busy bee. Last week we moved house and after a manic first few days of unpacking (I don't want to see another cardboard box in a very long time), it's been feeling more and more like home here. Our furniture finally arrived after being in storage for the last 6 months and i was happily reunited with my things again. It's funny how you forget what you have!

It's actually been a year since we were in a place of our own... there's a lot you miss about having that space. But despite that we've enjoyed the adventure.. and 'alternative' living arrangement. ;)

Anyway, back to business. With no further ado... I'm really happy to be able to share my 2013 calendar with you, which is now available to buy in my shop. Please go check it out! 

I hope you like it.

You can purchase them at my online shop or at the Bearwood Winter Fair on the 8th Dec where I will have a stall. :)

Thanks... Carolyn x